Saturday, January 12, 2013

Four On The Wall At Lyme Art Association

The jurors at the Lyme Art Association "Annual Associate Artists Exhibition" accepted 4 of 4 of my paintings to hang in the show. I'm very thankful to have the opportunity to have my paintings in their lovely galleries. As artists our work is constantly being judged and we have to get used to times when our work is not accepted. We may spend weeks working on a painting and then finding out it isn't going to be part of a show. Being rejected isn't always because the painting is bad; it may be because it doesn't fit with the other paintings accepted into the show. Jurors are sometimes most interested in creating a cohesive display of artworks.

The two paintings in the previous post plus the two paintings below will be in Old Lyme, CT. from January 11, 2013 to February 23, 2013. Hope you can make it to the show.

This painting was done at the end of last summer on the grounds of the beautiful Crane Estate in Ipswich, MA. From the lower stables of the estate there is a path that rises above the fields and marsh. If you follow the path all the way it ends at the back side of Cranes Beach. Along the way one sees beautiful vistas. One day while painting here a deer slowly walked into the scene I was painting. 

At times it's fun to create a landscape painting by placing paint strokes on the canvas and see what shapes appear. By recognizing the shapes as being part of natures many parts a landscape soon appears. The artist is then free to create a mood with color and form. 

I enjoy both methods of creating landscape paintings.


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Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 Happy New Year - Lyme Art Association Show

The Lyme Art Association is starting it's 2013 art shows with the 21st Annual Associate Artist Exhibition. I was informed that I am now an Associate Artist and eligible to enter this special show. Below are two of the four paintings that I'm delivering to the show. The jury may or may not include these painting so please check back while I wait to hear from the judges, probably by January 11th. 

The marsh painting above is from the the Rough Meadow under painting in my "Plein Air Painting - A different Approach" posting. I've changed the title to Tidal Marsh because the stream in the above painting is a path at low tide and I wanted people to be aware that the water at high tide can be quite deep. There are warning signs before crossing the path but I'm sure many people are drawn by the adventure of seeing what is on the other side and return to a water covered path. Maybe I should call it "Beware, Tidal Meadow" or "Check Your Tide Chart Before Crossing"..

The Associate Artist Exhibit is from January 11, 2013 to February 23, 2013. This art association in Old Lyme Connecticut has a long history and is situated near the famous Griswold Museum where the American Tonalists  and later the American Impressionists gathered to paint in the summers. A wonderful place to visit.

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