Monday, July 22, 2013

New Paintings

Plein air painting my way as learned at Donald Jurney's workshops, check his blog.

Even though I paint outdoors it's usually a multi day process or a combination of outdoors and studio work. When I start outdoors it gives me a feeling for the place as well as clear visions of the parts of the scene. I start with a grisaille that allows me to make sure the composition is pleasing to the viewer. If it isn't right I can easily make adjustments. Below is a sample grisaille that I did recently. The finished painting may be quite different but we'll see.

Shows coming up and I'm trying to finish up some paintings. Here are two paintings ready to go. I hope you enjoy seeing them. 

Finished painting started last November at Rough Meadows preserve in Rowley, MA. The painting has been finished for a while waiting for the right show or maybe because I like it myself and don't want to part with it. I've named it "Autumn Rough Meadow".


The next painting has a different feel to it and is a landscaped developed more abstractly by applying brush strokes and then searching the canvas for ideas and forms. In other words this painting is my own creation. A fun way to paint and sometimes it works well others times it's a wipe out and redo. I'm calling this one "Sunset Glow" unless a better name is suggested. 

More to come....soon. 

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